
Breaking bad season 3 download free
Breaking bad season 3 download free

I literally cannot believe that so many people like this show when most shows I have watched in my life are much better than this. I honestly don't think I will even be finishing the show because it doesn't even make me want to know what happens because of how completely awful the writing and storytelling is. The first season actually showed some promise but with each episode the show just gets worse and worse and worse. I literally can't even finish the third season because every time I try it feels like pulling teeth, and I feel like I would literally watch just about any other show than this one. It is like watching something written by a person that has never even been in the same room with a drug, let alone ever done one themselves. Even Walt, who has cancer, is nearly impossible to sympathize with, and Jesse plays the most unconvincing drug addict/dealer of any show I have ever watched. The characters are horrible, unbelievable, and thoroughly unlikable, the plot makes zero sense as it meanders around in some half-assed attempt to tell a story, and you are left constantly wondering why you are even watching it to begin with as you are bored to tears. I actually watched Better Call Saul first, and fell in love with that show, the story, the characters, and the acting, so I figured I'd give Breaking Bad a try and wow, was I disappointed. The This is literally THE most over-hyped show of all time, and it definitely does NOT live up to it. This is literally THE most over-hyped show of all time, and it definitely does NOT live up to it.

Breaking bad season 3 download free