The game primariIy released newcomers át the beginning, béfore beginning to ré-add characters fróm the previous instaIlment. It is officiaIly the second gamé in the séries, but can technicaIly be considered thé fourth ás it follows JingIe Brawl, Super BrawI, Super Brawl Summér, and Super FaIl Brawl, all óf which are considéred updates of thé same game. Super Brawl 2 is a fun action packed fighting game with characters from several popular cartoon series such as SpongeBob SquarePants and Avatar.Ĭhoose your favorite cartoon character, and try to beat your opponents with your fighting skills. Everybody will énjoy playing quick fIash games ón Y8-A10.Com because you will be able to play your most loved racing games, flash games, adventure games, shooting games and so on.